Supervision | Consultation | Mentoring via Videoconferencing
Michelle Cuebas, MD
I was recently in a conference where I was asked to name the person to whom I could attribute my career growth; to name the person who saw my spark. I wrote Marilyn's name. Maybe once in a career you have the experience of being supervised by someone who inspires you to grow as a professional. I have had such an experience with Mrs. Verbiscer. It is the rare professional who can bridge the gap of different therapeutic philosophies and teachings, and find the common denominators of professional practice and growth. Although I was already a clinically licensed professional, and a social worker at that, my experience with Mrs. Verbiscer was one of growth, learning and one I treasure immensely. Mrs. Verbiscer was able to inspire me to become a better professional, saw a spark in me that she encouraged and taught me a great deal about my own strengths as a professional. I highly encourage others, despite their degree or licensure, to work with Marilyn as a supervisor.
Michelle Cuebas, MSW, LCSW-C
Y of Central Maryland Building Futures Regional Director
Indya Peoples, IN
I was hired by Marilyn when she supervised a community based program in which I was a contractual therapist. Her level of committment to her profession was very evident. She presented herself not only professional, but non judgemental and knowledgeable. What I enjoyed most in my work with her was her encouragement when I could not recognize my strengths. If you are lookoing for the VERY best bang for your buck then you will find that working with Marilyn will be extremely rewarding and instrumental in your career advancement.
Indya Peoples, MSW
Individual and Family Therapist
James Huitt, MO
I am currently a Supervisor-in-training with Marilyn as my supervisor. It became immediately evident to me, as Marilyn and I began to work together that she is passionate about her work. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience that I am able to tap into and learn from and apply as I supervise others. Marilyn provides a sense of professionalism in the supervision process, yet adds that personal touch that lets me know that she very much wants me to succeed not only in my private practice but as a supervisor to others. If you want a high quality supervision experience with someone who cares about you and the marriage and family profession, then Marilyn is the person for you.
James Huitt Ph.D., LMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist